Privacy Policy

This website respects your privacy and is committed to protecting the personal information of all our visitors on this website. We provide the following information on our privacy policy to help explain our on-line privacy practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. To make this information very easy to find it is place on our homepage and in the footer on every page of our website.

Do we use cookies?

Yes.  A cookie is a piece of information in the form of a very small text file that is placed on an internet user’s hard drive. They are small files that a site or it’s service provider transfers to your computers hard drive through your Web browser (if allowed) that enables the sites or service providers systems to recognize your browser and capture and remember certain information. Read more about cookies.

Find out more about how we use cookies in our terms and conditions.

Other Third Parties may use cookies to track user’s activities on this website to measure advertisement activities. This website has no control over cookies that may be used by third parties.

Information Collected

When visiting, the IP address used to access the site may be logged along with dates and times of access. This information is only used to analyze trends and track user’s movements for internal use. Most importantly recorded IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information. This website does not sell, trade, provide or rent personal information to third parties.

For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, this website is acting as a ‘data controller’ in respect of the personal data of website visitors and customers. Being a data controller means that we can determine why and how we process any personal data that we have collected.

What is ‘personal data’?

Personal Data is any information you provide about yourself that allows you to be identified, contacted or located, such as your name, address, phone number and email address.

What personal data does this website collect?

When you visit our website we collect only basic details which allow us to view statistical data about visitors to the site. None of your personal data is collected without your consent. Also, if you choose to send us an enquiry using our website forms or make a purchase from our website we will collect certain personal information from you including your name, address, email address and telephone number.

What legal basis are we collecting your personal data?

We use ‘legitimate interest’ and/or ‘customer/client’ as the legal basis for collecting, storing and processing your personal data when:

  • You contact us using our any of our contact forms
  • You sign up for our newsletter, updates

We use your ‘consent’ as the legal basis for collecting, storing and processing your personal data. This happens only if you have agreed to us contacting you. This happens when you have ticked an ‘opt-in’ box on our website to receiving content from us. Please be assured your may withdraw your consent at any time.

How does this website use the personal data collected?

When you contact us using our contact forms we safely store your personal information. Then we may contact you about your enquiry and, also to keep records of our business relationship. Only if you have agreed, then we will occasionally send you other information about updates, competitions, products, and services, usually by email.  This website does not sell, trade, provide or rent personal information to third parties.

Where is the personal data stored, who has access, and how safe is it?

All personal data collected by our website is stored in a safe, secure, password protected system. Only a small number of authorised users have access to this data.

How long do we store your personal data?

If you have contact us using our website we store your personal information for a minimum of 7 years. This is because HMRC and other government bodies require us to keep data records for this length of time. If you have requested information from us using our website or by phone we will store your personal data for a minimum of 1 year, and we will only contact you further with more contact if you have given us permission.

How can you stop receiving further content from this website?

If we send you further content (newsletter, updates, competitions) and you do not wish to receive these, or you wish to unsubscribe from our mailing list you can do so at any time, buy either clicking ‘unsubscribe’ at the bottom of the email, or by emailing us at

How can you access, review and amend your personal data which this website has collected?

You are free to review and amend any personal data we hold about you at any time. To review or update your personal data please contact us by emailing us at

How can you delete your Personal data which this website has collected?

You have the right to request that any personal data we have collected about you is deleted. If you wish to delete any of your personal data which we hold on record we will do everything in our power, where legally allowed, to complete your request. Please contact us by emailing

NOTE: We may not be able to delete all of your personal data from our records if you have made a purchase from us within the past 7 years. Also please be aware it may be impossible to delete a record without retaining some residual information.

How to contact us

If you have any questions, comments or requests please email us at

Third-party Websites
We have included third party links on this site for your use, information and reference. We are not responsible for the privacy policies on these websites. Please be aware that the privacy policies of these sites may differ from our own.

Privacy Statement Changes
Please understand that the contents of this privacy policy may be altered at any time, at our discretion. Any changes we may make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail.