
Current Releases (Chronological Order)

​The Cockles in the Wheat

Leonora and Boniface. Two people trying to find their way in the dangerous world of the Vikings and the Saxons. Asked by the King to write a story about Canute they find themselves drawn into the power play of politics and violence from the rival factions at the court and in the country. This is where a person’s history can decide their fate and as Boniface discovers Leonora has a history.

Book Details

Published Date March 2024

180 pages

Independently Published

​Situs Inversus: A novel of the Russian Civil War

A novel of the Russian Civil War: 1919, 1920. The war is over and the soldiers are going home, back to the lives they once had. For some this is easy, but for others, like the Russian soldiers from the Western Front, going home will present difficult challenges. They return to a land torn by revolution and famine. To a land where the Bolsheviks are fighting for their survival in a civil war of Reds against Whites. Into this maelstrom steps the men of the Russian battalion. This story follows a band of soldiers and the challenges they face in a world they thought they knew but now turned upside down. Situs Inversus.

Book Details

Published Date Sept 2023

318 pages

Independently Published

Authors Personal View

Situs Inversus comes more from my imagination as well as using a Russian biography of Rodoin Malinovsky, (I call him Rodin in the book) called ‘Marshal Malinovsky: Hero of the Soviet Union and architect of the modern Soviet Army,’ by Boris Sokolov, translated into English and published with the co-operation of the United States Army. I suppose it’s part of the Cold War ‘know your enemy’ mantra. There is also a plot line of Malinovsky’s friends and how they cope with Russia under the Bolsheviks.


​Today & Tomorrow: The story of the Russians fighting on the Western Front

The First World War and Russians on the Western Front. Follow the path of a group of men who come to call themselves friends as they navigate the dangers of the war and the politics that go with it from Russia to France to Africa. A friendship and love that would last them today and tomorrow. As above, so below.

Book Details

Published Date July 2021

418 pages

Publisher: UK Book Publishing

Authors Personal View

About five or six years ago I came across a book called “With Snow on their Boots,” by Jamie Cockfield. It is the complete story of the Russian soldiers in France from 1916 to 1920. The book provided the skeleton and the raw material I needed to construct the story I have. I wrote the book during the lockdown in the Covid pandemic, the scenes in the Algerian desert were particularly ironic as they were set in the 1919 flu epidemic. Today and Tomorrow id based around that book and the story of the Russians on the Western Front.

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